New Release!
Today I received from the printer the long awaited delivery of Dr. Robert A.
Gilbert’s book, Gnosticism and Gnosis. It is a cracking read and I commend it
to anyone with an interest in this subject. It is not a difficult book to
engage with; the language is simple and to the point, yet it could so easily
have been written in the highly specialised language known only to those
scholars of ancient stuff who have forgotten what a politically-free English
language looks like. In short it is not written
in mumbo-jumbo or psycho-babble. Also, at £9.50 it is not expensive.
I've studied this area of ancient history for much of my adult life, and
like other people I have been amazed at the extraordinary inferences
expressed as 'real history' by many writers who ought to know better. It has grown, unnecessarily in my view, into being a politically complex subject.
Nevertheless, the author, who is well known for his accurate research, introduces the
subject of Gnosticism in a way that leads the reader to the heart of the matter
without the reader needing a religious experience to understand it. This comes
as no surprise to me because the author and his many books are well-known to me.
He has studied this area of ancient history for very many years and in this
book, Gnosticism
and Gnosis he
provides a clear, concise and objective overview of the phenomenon of
Gnosticism, tracing its origins in Egypt and the Middle East; setting out the
variety of its forms and beliefs from surviving gnostic scriptures; and
surveying the complex history of the early gnostic schools during the Roman era
and beyond, down to the pervasive presence of gnostic ideas at the present day.
The author explains how ‘Gnosticism’ is the label which binds
together a broad spectrum of strange, quasi-Christian belief systems that arose
within and around the early Christian Church and challenged both its orthodoxy
and its very existence. The creators of this alternative spirituality were
dualists who believed in the absolute distinction of matter and spirit, and
taught that the only way in which humanity can be drawn back into the being of
the one, true God, is through the revelation of a special saving knowledge: the
Gnosis. But their challenge to the Christian faith failed and the Gnostics
faded away. Or did they?
Dr. Robert A. Gilbert is a writer and retired
antiquarian bookseller. He has written and lectured widely on Western
esotericism and Christian spirituality, and is currently the editor of The
Christian Parapsychologist. Among his many books are Elements of
Mysticism (1991) and The Treasure of Montsegur (1987, with Walter N.
Birks). He is also the editor of Knowledge of the Heart: Gnostic Movements
and Secret Tradition: Transactions of the Eighth International Canonbury
Conference (2008). Dr. Gilbert was born and educated in Bristol, and read
Philosophy & Psychology at the University of Bristol. Now retired, he lives with his family in
North Somerset.
If anyone has any questions they might like to ask the
author (especially after reading his book) then get in touch with him through me at
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