Thursday, 18 April 2013

London Bookfair 2013

Imagier's Stand, X105, just before opening

at the
London Bookfair 2013 
We took a stand at the London Book Fair 2013 which ran from Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th of April. It was the first time we had ‘exhibited’ our books at the LBF and I was more than a little nervous about it. 
Arriving on Sunday morning we were able to set up the stand within a few hours. Ours was quite small compared with some others – in truth some of them were enormous and must have taken days to construct. The Penguin Stand was vast, and one Middle-Eastern stand, constructed in the form of a small castle, was bigger than a typical house – it was amazing.

The day begins
Anyway, come Monday morning, when the Fair opened we were ready and waiting, albeit in nervous anticipation, but as it turned out we had nothing to be nervous about. Every one was really friendly and helpful. In my opinion the event was amazing and in places awesome. I applaud the seamless work of the organisers.

In discussions with representatives from other companies showing at the Fair, the consensus seemed to be that it was well attended and very buzzy; indeed, confidence seemed to be a keynote of the general atmosphere of the place.
There was a strong representation of companies promoting ‘digital’ technologies, and several of the forums and discussions that were a fundamental part of the Fair were engaging in earnest debate about the future form and nature of the ‘Book’. It seems to me that the 'digital age' is changing our established values and preconceptions concerning the way we disseminate information and, whether we like it or not, is leading us into a strange and uncharted world where not all bodes well. I can see this debate continuing for a long time yet.

Early Browsers
Discussing a manuscript
Another subject I noticed being discussed at the Fair was the growing recognition and acceptance of small independent publishers such as Imagier. It seems, at least to some degree, that we small independents emerging unbidden out of the intellectual wilderness, are being noticed, accepted, even recognised by some if not all of the publishing aristocracy (Be still my leaping soul).

The debate continues

One thing that stood out above all was the innate spirituality and active spiritual curiosity being expressed by many people. It was also clear that most had no time for out-moded and irrelevant religious structures and other intolerant institutions (secular or religious); nevertheless, the spiritual dimension of many people was very noticeable. It raised many questions in my mind, questions I shall ponder for a long time to come.

What can I say?
 In sum, it was a great fair. We made lots of new friends and contacts that promise well for the future of Imagier Publishing, and I believe that after a few days rest we shall continue, in the quiet solitude of the office,  to produce books with increased confidence and enthusiasm, if such a thing is possible.

If you want to know more about Imagier Publishing and the books it publishes please follow the link below:

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